A video of the clean-up! (Double click for the full viewing screen.)
After hearing complaints from walkers and bikers that the undeveloped area across Wai`anae Pizza Hut was difficult to traverse, Women of Wai`anae (WOW) decided to invest the remainder of its AlohaCare "People's Path" grant into beautifying the area in celebration of Earth Day. Problems in the area include the uneven terrain near the intersection of Pokai Bay Street and Farrington Highway, and the "sticky" used asphalt that is at the end of the parking lot.
A landscaper had lined the path with small stones, leveled it by hand, and planted native plants. On 4/18/10, over 25 volunteers picked up trash, watered, and further beautified the area. Students and teachers from Leeward Community College-Wai`anae and MA'O Organic Farm, community members, and even Prosecuting Attorney Peter Carlisle showed up to help the effort. Highlights of the day included hauling 4 shopping carts, a carpet, and even a queen-sized mattress out of the area. City workers acted quickly to haul off the trash collected the very next morning.
Mahalo nui loa to the following volunteers who helped beautify "Sewer's Beach" on 4/18/10: Maisha Abbott; Mary Ellen Apostol; Samuel Barr; Peter Carlisle; Chantel, Dawn, & Erik Clarke; Fred Dodge; Joey Hayashi; David Hoppe-Cruz; Tressa Hoppe; Shyenne Iopa; Charles Izumoto; Joleen Jackson; Maylin Marcellino; Manny & Summer Miles; Kalia Novajosky; Cathy Outland; Maile Shimabukuro; James Urbaniak; Danny Wyatt; Kristine Yoo; Karen Young. (We apologize if we missed anyone -- let us know if you have any corrections)
The Ma`ili Point section of the pathway has come along beautifully, featuring an abundance of native plants, such as naupaka, milo, koali, pohinahina, akia, pa`u o hiiaka, ma`o, and others. Volunteers, including Roy Rezentes, Yvonne Angut, Carol Bonham, Karen Young, Fred Dodge, Summer Miles, Maile Shimabukuro, and others continue to water and maintain the Ma`ili Point area weekly.
“Helping to maintain and water the People’s Path is an excellent way to connect with nature, exercise, and give back to the community in a very visible and tangible way,” said Rep. Maile Shimabukuro, who authored the AlohaCare grant.
WOW is looking for more individuals and groups interested in helping with this effort on an on-going basis. In particular, volunteers are needed to maintain and water both the Sewer’s Beach (across Pizza Hut) and Ma`ili Point (across Sea Country) sections of the pathway.
“This is an ideal project for senior, student, community service, environmental, and other groups to take on,” Shimabukuro continued. “The group could work together on a regular basis to water plants, landscape, pick up litter, and continue to malama the People’s Path. Individuals and families are also welcome to volunteer.”
Update: Olelo airdates for the Sewer's clean up video are as follows: Saturday, May 8, Channel 56, between 10:30 PM – Midnight, Monday, May 10, Channel 52, between 5:30-7:00 PM and Wednesday, May 12, Channel 53, between 4:30-6:00 PM. It will also be used as filler.
Click HERE to view a photo album of the clean up, or visit: http://maileswaianaecoastphotos.shutterfly.com/321
To volunteer with the People's Path or for more information, email maileshimabukuro@yahoo.com or call 696-4677.
Click HERE to view a photo album of the clean up, or visit: http://maileswaianaecoastphotos.shutterfly.com/321
To volunteer with the People's Path or for more information, email maileshimabukuro@yahoo.com or call 696-4677.
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