Friday, January 30, 2009

Questions and Answers from the Dept. of Transportation

1) Can the DOT order BWS and HECO to do their Waianae Coast roadwork at night to stop the traffic jams they are causing during rush hour? Also, can DOT do an unannounced visit to see the roadwork and resulting traffic jams?
Our inspectors are investigating what has changed with some of the work to worsen the situation. Both BWS and HECO have been out there for sometime now together and we have not received complaints until only recently. I will let you know when I get a report back. There is likely a very small chance to receive a noise variance to do work at night due to the close proximity of residential homes.

2) Can DOT pick up the trash being left by the homeless living between Kaukama Rd. and Hakimo Rd. along the highway? Apparently the City said it is not within their jurisdiction to do this.
We have issued a PO for contractors to go and clean the area as our in-house crews are still dealing with damage repairs and clean-ups at other areas around the island after the storms that have higher risk to health and safety. What I have told Rep. Karen Awana is that this is an enforcement issue as these people are breaking the law by littering the highway but there is nothing we can do because they come from locations outside our right of way. This is also a community issue as the community must speak out against these individuals that are doing this to their community. They need to call the police when they see these people breaking the law. Otherwise, we will be simply reacting to the problem and not solving it.

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