Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Laywers for Equal Justice Helps Veterans and Others

Lawyers for Equal Justice is a nonprofit legal aid organization that focuses on class actions, lobbying, outreach, and other legal matters on behalf of low income individuals and families in Hawai’i. LEJ’s mission is based on the core values held by most people in Hawai'i, such as fairness, community, responsibility and aloha while ensuring equal justice for all low income residents in Hawai'i. LEJ staff members are strong advocates for veterans trying to access a variety of Veterans Administration benefits available to support their housing, training, health and income needs as they struggle to regain control of their lives during times of crisis. LEJ is currently involved in class actions for homeless children being denied access to education, seniors trying to maintain their housing, and many other cases.
Contact information:
PO Box 37952
Honolulu, HI 96837

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for what you are doing to help others!

"When you can't be there, bVisual!"