Friday, February 22, 2008

Wai`anae Sustainable Communities Plan Update

Aloha Waianae Advisory Committee,

The update on the Revised Waianae Sustainable Communities Plan (WSCP) is that we have turned in a Preliminary Draft to the City Department of Planning & Permitting (DPP) and are awaiting their review. In the meantime, DPP is working on creating some consistency between the various SCPs that are currently being updated. We will be meeting with them and the other consultants next week to try work out some of those issues. So as soon as we can, we will schedule a meeting to review that Preliminary Draft with all of you....hopefully in the not-too-distant future! Thank you for your hard work and for your patience.

Harmonee Williams
Townscape, Inc.
Environmental & Community Planning
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1160
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 536-6999, ext. 8
Fax: (808) 524-4998

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