Friday, April 23, 2010

1175+ Signatures to Save Wai`anae DHS Offices!

4/20/10 Email from Louie Agrabante:

Aloha Maile,

Thank you for your attention on this matter. As of today, I have a total of 1175 signatures for the petition to keep the Wai'anae DHS offices open. I have attached a PDF copy of all of the signatures.

Just today, April 20th, I collected 700 signatures at Tamura's supermarket in Wai'anae, where people in our community are concerned, especially for the elderly, disabled, and families.

Yesterday, while collecting signatures at Wai'anae Mall, a disabled person approached me to sign the petition, then he told me, "Wait -- I'll be right back." He then went onto the handicapped bus and brought 22 disbled people off the bus to sign the petition.

Some of these people didn't know their address or their phone numbers. Some didn't even really know how to sign the petition form. Yet, they believed that signing would help them.

Maile, please send this signed petition to the Governor, DHS, the HI Government Employees Assn., and anyone else who may be able to help.

When more petition sheets are filled with signatures, I will forward them to you. For now, this is the bulk. Mahalo for your time and help.

Aloha for now,
Louie Agrabante

[Note from Rep. Shimabukuro: This Petition is in response to DHS' threatened closure of 31 offices and layoffs of 220+ workers as part of its "EPOD" re-organization. Click HERE to view Petition.]

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